- Student Successes: Spring 2023Sercan Canbolat, a POLS PhD Candidate, received the ISA-Midwest Region’s 2023 Margaret G. Hermann Award for a paper entitled “Understanding Extreme Islamists in Their Native Language.” The award is conferred on the paper that makes the best use of text analysis in leadership studies. Upon invitation from the editors of Routledge’s foreign policy analysis (FPA) […]
- 【安卓软件】安卓(android)软件免费下载/安卓游戏免费下载 ...:2021-6-15 · 太平洋Android手机资源下载中心提供免费手机软件下载。包括Android(安卓)软件下载、Android(安卓)游戏下载,海量资源高速下载,android手机用户必备。Dr. Kashwan’s research was recently published in Governing Renewable Natural Resources: Theories and Frameworks, edited by Fiona Nunan (London: Routledge, 2023). His contribution is entitled “Management in the Guise of Governance? Rethinking the Ends and the Means of Natural Resource Governance.” Dr. Kashwan was also invited to present his research at the Center for the […]
- 2023 Graduate AwardsCongratulations to our awardees! George F. Cole Dissertation Fellowship in Public Law Awarded to a graduate student in Political Science conducting dissertation research in Public Law. Preference given to a student studying the administration of criminal justice. Erica MacDonald Norman Kogan Fellowship in Western European Politics Given annually to a graduate student (PhD or […]
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Undergrad Program: | (860) 486-0462 |
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Internships: | (860) 486-5683 |
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